9th July 2003 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service meeting of 9th July 2003

Mr Michael McLoone (Chairman)
Dr Helen Enright
Dr Mary Horgan
Dr Gerry Crotty
Dr Liz Keane 
Mr Tony McNamara
Dr Cees Van Der Poel
Ms Maura McGrath

Ms Valerie Mannix

In Attendance: 
Mr Andrew Kelly (A/CEO)
Dr William Murphy (NMD)
Ms Patricia McNally (Secretary)

1. Minutes of Meeting 11.06.2003
The minutes of the Board meeting held on Wednesday June 11th 2003 were adopted on the proposal of Dr. van der Poel, seconded by Ms. M. McGrath and signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman congratulated Dr. Horgan and Mr. McNamara on their re-appointment to the Board effective from 1st June 2003 to 31st May 2006.

2. Matters arising
Tendering Process for Recombinant Products
The A/CE informed the Board that the tender process for the Recombinant Products had closed.  He confirmed that tenders had been received but as there was an outstanding issue in relation to indemnity of members of the Product Selection and Monitory Advisory Group (PSMAG) the tenders had not been evaluated.   He noted that the Terms of Reference for the PSMAG still needed some clarification and had not been signed off to date.  He highlighted some of the issues that the IBTS had difficulty in agreeing.

3. Chief Executive’s Report
The report was noted.

The A/CE informed the Board that MAK, supplier of the Progesa System, had received a warning letter from the FDA.  He confirmed that the IBTS had requested a copy of this letter and MAK’s response to the issues raised.  However, there has not been a reply to date.  He also confirmed that the IBTS would be auditing MAK this year and will be attending the meeting with the Progesa Consumers Group to discuss the FDA letter.

Organisation Development and Change
The Board was briefed by the A/CE on current issues.  A discussion document setting out the framework for a new organisation structures has been prepared for discussion with medical consultants and heads of services before a formal proposal is presented to Board.  The ongoing consultations include the review of the implications of any organisation changes for terms of contracts.  It was agreed that the A/CE should liaise with the Board sub-committee in relation to issues and progress.

The A/CE confirmed that the union had agreed to submit nominees for the Partnership Steering Committee and that it is intended to run a training programme for this committee in September.

NAT Laboratory
The A/CE noted the response from Prof. Zuck in relation to the information he had on setting up NAT Labs in temporary accommodation e.g. port-a-cabins.  A discussion took place regarding the design brief for the new Cork Centre and it was agreed that the A/CE would contact the Department of Health and Children regarding the appointment of the design team in relation to the new centre as the first priority.

Until such time as the situation with the new centre is clarified it was agreed that no further temporary buildings should be put on St. Finbarr’s site.  In the meantime it was agreed that remedial work should take place on the existing centre in Cork and the Board mandated the A/CE to appoint a contractor, if necessary, to undertake an evaluation of work required. 

A discussion took place regarding NAT testing.  It was agreed that all NAT testing should take place in Dublin when that laboratory is operational (rather than maintain a contract with SNBTS for part of the service) until the new centre in Cork is built.

4. Donor Notification 1991 – 1994 Dublin Centre

5. Budget Presentation
The Director of Finance gave a review of the 2002 finances.  She outlined the income and expenditure analysis for 2002 and noted that there was a surplus for the year.  She outlined the Management Letter issues which had been identified at audit and the C&AG’s request regarding the IBTS Statement on the System of Internal Financial Controls.  She reviewed the financial situation for the first five months of 2003 and outlined the financial risks facing the IBTS.  Mr. McNamara suggested that opportunities to reduce costs should be identified and Ms. Bailey responded that there were only a few areas where the IBTS could make savings e.g. overtime and headcount.   The Chairman thanked Ms. Bailey for her presentation and it was agreed that the Board should receive quarterly reports following broadly the same format.

6. Finance Committee
The 2002 financial statements were presented to the Board for sign off, proposed by Mr. McNamara and seconded by Dr. Keane.  

The Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee and Audit Committee were accepted by the Board on the proposal of Mr. McNamara and seconded by Ms. McGrath.  The A/CE noted that the Board would need at least five nominees to these two committees and it was agreed that the composition of these committees  would be discussed at the September Board meeting.

7. Minutes of MAC Meeting
The minutes were noted. 

Dr. van der Poel informed the meeting of a presentation by Dr. Murphy on the introduction of a bacteriological screening test for the IBTS. 

He confirmed that this proposal would be put forward for the budget allocation 2004 and would be presented to the Board for consideration as part of the budget presentation.

8. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board of the IBTS will take place on Wednesday 10th September 2003 at 2.00 p.m. at the National Blood Centre.

The A/CE noted that the date of the October Board meeting was the same date as the European Blood Alliance (EBA) Board meeting.  The A/CE asked the Board to consider changing the date of the October meeting and it was agreed that this meeting would be rescheduled to take place on Wednesday 15th October.

9. Pension Presentation
Ms. Mary Cahill, AON, gave an overview to the Board on Pensions.  She noted the following

  • the results of a review which had taken place in 2001 when the IBTS had 469 active people in the fund.  
  • the role, powers and issues facing the IBTS Board in relation to the fund  
  • the impact of FRS17 on the financial statements for the IBTS when full implementation comes into affect in 2005
  •  the role of the trustees of the fund 
  •  the issues facing funds
  •  PRSAs and the obligation on employers

The Chairman thanked Ms. Cahill for a very informative presentation and suggested the Board should be presented with Financial Statements for the fund on a more regular basis.  He also suggested that a meeting should take place between the Board and the Pension Trustees to clarify respective roles in relation to the fund and to have formal reports presented to the Board on a quarterly basis.  The Chairman suggested that Ms. Bailey and Ms. Cahill should progress these issues with the Trustees and revert to the Board on their discussions.  This was agreed.

Signed:…………………………..  Date:…………………………….